Make A Liar Out Of Me

I thought I would hate him after the ups and downs, for everything he asked from me and the nothing he gave in return. But our bond was deeper than that, or I wasn't strong enough to pull myself away, or some mix of the two.

He said what we were doing was ok because we had been together first. He had been my first. I felt entitled to him even if I didn't want him.

I tried not to think about what he told her before he came over. What she thought he was doing. How she would feel if she knew the truth. 

I wasn't innocent in this, either. I knew about her, and I had a boyfriend of my own. 

My boyfriend was just a warm body. I wasn't looking for anyone but he wormed his way in and I wasn't in the position to say no. Now I didn't want him or my ex, but I couldn't seem to end it with either of them. I should probably end it with both of them.

It seemed easier to change my number. Stop answering the door. Just pick up and leave. Try again in a new place as a new person who would never feel ripped apart by the end of a relationship but also wouldn't do anything to tear up anyone else's happiness.

227 words


  1. Is this how people end up being cheaters? We too scare or too lazy to break up with someone so we just ignore them? I don't know.

    I find it hard to give any notes or comment on these flash story. It was always seems a bit too short.

    Have a lovely day.

    My A-Z posts are here.

    1. I think cheaters will always find a way to justify their behaviors.

      Flash is meant to be short! Less than 1,000 words is the standard definition, so I guess mine are technically micro fiction since they're often under 500 or even 300. I just like writing small blips, especially as they relate to a song.


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