Off Track

What do you do when you follow your dreams and they're not what you expect? You left it all behind, packed it in a truck, drove hours and days away. It was what you had wanted for so long, for years, since childhood. It was what you worked for, it was why you took job after shit job.

Now you're living with too many roommates and still not making ends meet. You're stuck in the mud while your dream floats away like a hot air balloon. You drive around for hours at a time, partially to have something to do, and partially because you keep getting lost.

Getting lost is all that feels right anymore. It feels like your true state of being. Taking turn after turn, thinking you're getting back on a road you know, but all of the houses look the same. There are no dead ends so you keep driving aimlessly, left turn, left turn, left turn, left turn, you're somewhere new.

Somewhere new. It's what you need, the simple solution, but when you gave it all up to get this far, there's nowhere else to go but home with your tail between your legs. You stare at another two-story McMansion that might be the same one you saw before. Going back is not an option.

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