Understand The Problem

I leave my job because it's too much stress on top of you and your lack of a job. I get something with shorter hours, even though we need the money I'm losing in the transition. I have to step up and be the breadwinner and the one who holds us together.

You can't get off of the couch. I drop him off at daycare while you stay at home. I go to work while you stay at home. I pick him up from daycare and take the long way home because I don't want to see you. I don't have anything to say to you.

I don't mean to make it sound all bad; it's not. I go from working with the public to working alone in an office. Many mornings I can leave the fluorescent lights off for an hour or two and just enjoy being by myself. I am never by myself, so it almost feels wrong to get paid for this.

I go through the backlog of podcasts I have downloaded. I let myself get lost in the worlds they present to me. I feel like I could become anyone, study anything, go anywhere. I want to leave you behind and be on my own forever and ever amen.

I listen to songs about separation and divorce while I think about my own. They are the soundtrack of the path I'm on, and I'm eager to reach the end. I plot out when I will tell you and how. I wonder how you will react. I wonder how I will feel after. I wonder what the legal process will be like.

None of it seems terrible in my mind. Anything would be better than what we have now. I feel trapped even though I am the one leaving the house every day. I feel like you are smothering me even from so far away. 

I clock out and get into my car which has spent the day baking in the sun. I feel like I am boiling over. I can't drive home; I want to drive south, east, west, anywhere but back to you.

358 words


  1. Sounds like someone really wants to get away from that person. Maybe it's not enough to just know the situation but not many of us can get out no matter how much we want to.

    Have a lovely day.

    My A-Z posts are here.

    1. True, sometimes imagination is the only escape.


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