
You can't see anything. You can't hear anything. You can only feel your feet vibrate with each hesitant step you take. It feels like you're walking on metal suspended above the ground, not a sturdy wood or concrete floor.

You start to move forward with your hands out in front of you. You bump into something, turn slightly, and start forward again once you meet no resistance. After touching something seemingly fleshy, "Oh, excuse me," you keep your hands a little closer to your body, but still far out enough to warn you before you collide with something.

When you don't touch anything for a while, you start to feel anxious. Did you walk too far away from wherever you're supposed to be? Would it be better to bump into things and constantly change direction to correct yourself? You have no idea.

How does time pass in the dark? It seems slow and torturous, but since you have no idea how long you've been here, it might be moving fast. It doesn't matter either way; you don't know when you'll get out or what the endgame is.

Can you sit down and rest awhile? Is that against the rules? Are there rules here? Who is in charge? Why don't they come help you?

As if reading your mind, the lights flash on and you're screaming, surrounded by people who are also screaming, though your voice is the only one you can hear.

242 words
