How Does Your Garden Grow

I researched what could grow in my region, ran tests to determine the type of soil. I monitored my yard from sunrise to sunset to see what areas had direct sunlight or indirect sunlight. I looked for shade and paid attention to how the rain hit, how it drained.

I put care into the process from the beginning so I could reap the most benefits in the end. I bought seeds and started them in the house. I put them in toilet paper rolls and lined them up on the kitchen window sill. As spring grew closer, I bought some plants from the botanic garden. I bought flowers and herbs to plant as a border, to help deter pests.

On the first day of Spring, I dressed in my oldest clothes. I spent hours in the sun, marking where each item would go, digging holes, gently dropping in the plants, tucking them in with fresh-turned soil. I watered them so they'd have all they needed to thrive.

I sat with them as the sun went down. I looked out over all I had done with pride. I couldn't wait to follow their progress day by day until I could harvest.

My body was so weary. I stretched out and stared up at the stars. 

I woke in the morning and looked over at my garden. We were all covered in a thin film of dew. 

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