Sippable Stories - #FlashbackFriday

Back in 2011, I had a personal blog where I posted stories about my life and travels, along with book reviews and writing woes. A coworker gave me a chalkboard mug and I realized that I could combine my love of coffee and flash fiction into Sippable Stories. 

I shared a story every Sunday; some were mine and some were submitted by writer friends who read my blog. I'm going to start a summer #FlashbackFriday series by sharing my own while I track down those blog friends and see if I have permission to share their stories again, 10 years later.

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This is my first Sippable Story, though it's more of an explanation than a story. Interestingly enough, this was my prompt for the letter "S" in the Blogging from A to Z Challenge I participated in back then! Everything is coming full circle...
